
LearnSafe  was a project financed by EU in the fourth Framework Programme from 2001 to 2004. Five research organizations in Germany, Finland, Spain, Sweden and the UK participated in the project. In addition nuclear power plants in these five countries were together with WANO Paris Office connected to the project as associated partners. In the beginning of 2019 a small group from Finland and Sweden came together to look at progress in safety activities at nuclear power plants. In that meeting it was suggested to initiate a more detailed evaluation of how results from the LearnSafe project  were utilized. A quick check with former colleagues indicated interest and the project was started. In the beginning work of reading and writing was restricted to a small group retired nuclear engineers in Finland and Sweden, but this group has gradually been enlarged. Work so far has resulted in a combined questionnaire and interview form with the document “Good practices for nuclear safety, LSd8.pdf” as a basis.

This questionnaire is available in the English, Finnish, German, Spanish and Swedish languages and it has been used to collect data from nuclear power plants in Germany, Finland, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. We have analyzed the collected data and have written an article describing our work. In addition a draft report on safety activities at the nuclear power plants has been completed. This draft, which is written in Swedish, can be mailed to interested parties by sending a request by mail to Five additional targeted reports are under preparation with the tentative titles of
-        Design; innovation, processes and products,
-        Complexity; definitions, problems and solutions,
-        The senior management group; composition, tasks and strategies,
-        Regulatory oversight; functions, problems and solutions,
-        Safety activities at nuclear power plants; content, actors and roles.

To discuss lessons learned and new ideas for research and development we will hold a joint Round Table in Helsinki at 27-29 September 2022 (cf. invitation).

An article (Schöbel et al., 2022).