NKS-reports, 1981-1986

KRU-11 Summary report.
KRU-12 Technical report on operator training.
KRU-13 Technical summary report on control room design and human reliability.
KRU-14 Publications list.
KRU-15 Publications list. Guidelines for operator training.
KRU-16 Summary guidelines for man-machine interface design with annotated references.
LIT-1 The human component in the safety of complex systems. Summary report of the LIT-programme 1981-85.
LIT-2 Human errors in test and maintenance of nuclear power plants.
LIT-3 Organization for safety.
LIT-4 The design  process and the use of computerized tools in control room design.
LIT-5 Computer aided operation of complex systems; experimental testing and evaluation.
LIT-6 Training diagnostic skills for nuclear power plants.