This list of reports has been selected from reports produced by the LearnSafe project based on a judgement of possible interest for larger groups of people. Some of the reports were originally considered confidential for project parters, but they have now been released into the public domain on the condition that due reference is given to the LearnSafe project when cited or shared.

Reports from LearnSafe
  1. LearnSafe short final report (LS1.pdf)
  2. Strategies, plans and actions in response to challenges at nuclear power plants (LS2.pdf)
  3. Safety performance indicators for nuclear power plants (LS3.pdf)
  4. Theoretical approaches to organisational learning (LS4.pdf)
  5. Towards a method for the assessment of safety activities and their associated organizational context (LS5.pdf)
  6. Safety management of nuclear power plants: Values and balance of attention (LS6.pdf)
  7. Quality activities, operations management and process orientation (LS7.pdf)
  8. Organisational controllability (LS8.pdf)
  9. A discussion of core competencies (LS9.pdf)
  10. Reflections on organisational structures in nuclear power plants (LS10.pdf)
  11. Safety management as problem - identification and problem - solving (LS11.pdf)
  12. Merging two organisational cultures (LS12.pdf)
  13. The path to a new organisational structure (LS13.pdf)
  14. Reflections on the WANO peer review process (LS14.pdf)

LearnSafe articles

  1. Safety Science, 42, 2004, 825–839 (LSa1.pdf)
  2. Trans IChemE, Part B, 2006, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 84(B3): 164–170 (LSa2.pdf)
  3. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 23, 2007, 424–444 (LSa3.pdf)
  4. International Journal of Nuclear Law, 1,  2007, 344-377 (LSa4.pdf)
  5. Safety Science, 49, 2011, 65–74 (LSa5.pdf)
  6. Safety Science, 69, 2014, 3–17 (LSa6.pdf)

Chapters in books

  1. Itoigawa, Wilpert, Fahlbruch: Emerging Demands for the Safety of Nuclear Power Operations: Challenge and Response (LSb1.pdf)
  2. Andriessen,  Fahlbruch: How to Manage Experience Sharing: From Organizational Surprises to Organizational Knowledge (LSb2.pdf)
  3. Svenson, Salo, Oedewald, Reiman, Skjerve: Nordic perspectives on safety management in high reliability organizations: Theory and applications (LSb3.pdf)
Presentations at conferences
  1. The 4th International Workshop on Human Error, Safety and System Development, 11-12 June 2001, Linköping, Sweden (LSc1.pdf)
  2. 4th International Conference on human factor research in Nuclear Power Operations ICNPO, 9-11 September 2002, Mihama, Japan (LSc2.pdf)
  3. IEEE 7th Conference on Human Factors and Power Plants, 15-19 September 2002, Arizona, USA (LSc3.pdf)
  4. IAEA International Conference on Safety Culture in Nuclear Installations, 2-6 December 2002, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (LSc4.pdf)
  5. Organisational Learning and Knowledge 5th International Conference, 31.5-2.6 2003, Lancaster, UK (LSc5.pdf)
  6. FISA 2003, EU research in reactor safety, 10-13 November 2003, Luxembourg (LSc6.pdf)
  7. PSAM 7, International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management, June 14-18 2004, Berlin, Germany (LSc7.htm)
  8. 4th ANS International Topical Meeting NPIC & HMIT 2004, September 2004, Columbus, Ohio, USA (LSc8.pdf)
LearnSafe deliverables
  1. The research frame of LearnSafe (LSd1.pdf)
  2. Organisational descriptions (LSd2.pdf)
  3. Methods and Tools for Data Collection during Phase 1 (LSd3.pdf)
  4. Challenges for the nuclear industry (LSd4.pdf)
  5. Methods and tools for organisational self-assessments (LSd5.pdf)
  6. Feedback and analysis of operational experience in the nuclear industry (LSd6.pdf)
  7. Evaluation and assessment criteria for management of change (LSd7.pdf)
  8. Good practices for nuclear safety (LSd8.pdf)

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