Seminar 28th-29th April 2004
VTT, Espoo,Finland
1. Armand Colas, Hazards & Safety, What is new?
2. Sue Cox, Challenges seen by the Nuclear Industry
3. Erik Hollnagel, LearnSafe from an 'academic' point of view
4. Ray Hughes, Creating a Learning Organisation
5. Karl-Fredrik Ingemarsson, Learning organisations for nuclear safety
6. Leif Johansson, LearnSafe - A stable life of change
7. Bethan Jones, What can we learn from the collected data?
8. Jari Kettunen, Teemu Reiman, Bethan Jones, NPP management challenges and characteristics of learning organisations in five European countries
9. Knut Mume, KKK views on the achievements
10. Rosario Martinez-Arias, José M Prieto, Hindrances to organizational learning
11. Antti Piirto, TVO, Challenges in maintaining 60 years of operation
12. LearnSafe team, Excerpts from the data sets
13. José I Villadóniga, The Importance of Organizational Learning for Safety. A regulatory Perspective
14. Magnus von Bonsdorff, Final Seminar - Panel Discussion
15. Björn Wahlström, An attempt for a synthesis
16. Björn Wahlström, Overview of the Learnsafe project
17. Bernhard Wilpert, Characteristics of learning organizations, (text)
18. Jose M. Zamarron, Organisational change at Almaraz Trillo